Head In The Cloud NWR

New Technology & Faith

In this age of general AI we are witnessing a boom in new technology especially stemming from distributed ledgers, artificial intelligence, extended reality, and quantum computing. We are in the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and this means we are becoming increasingly dependent on technology as it is being woven into every fabric of civilization.

However, we must not gauge human progress on the advancement of science and technology alone. We cannot rely on technology to hold civilization together because as we are also witnessing, climate change is an exigent threat on account of human nature. There is no peace in the heart, and therefore no peace in the home, and therefore no peace in the land.

Just as any new idea is inspired by fallen angels, covenant faith is inspired by the grace of God which His holy angels minister to those whose faith meets God’s requirements (the righteous). Covenant faith is the new thing through which mankind can have a true relationship with God and meet their full potential who is Jesus Christ.

With AI quickly evolving and changing the way society functions, many are well aware that it is not always for the good. There is a fear of its unpredictability and the integrity of the information it provides. We may not all lose our jobs because we can use AI as assistants in our professions because AI is limited to human logic and rules. It is therefore not rational to fear AI but to hold accountable those who misuse it. Just as it is not guns that kill people but people, it is not AI that is going to destroy the world but our choices as God enforces His power over results.

Adamites need a spiritual awakening in this season of restoration to understand God’s character, purpose, and plan. We cannot go on in this collision course because we are ignorant of a better life. We must embrace the knowledge Steward of this time and the pattern of truth he gives to the Church for God’s clemency in our nations. When a nation is truly under God, He will oversee its civilization with His best interest at heart.

For more information about covenant faith, visit s8w.org





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